Ymddiheurwn nad yw rhai tudalennau o’r wefan Gymraeg wedi eu cwblhau eto. Mae’r rhain yn cael eu hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd a byddant yn fyw yn fuan iawn.
We apologise that some pages of the Welsh site are not yet complete. These are currently under construction and will be live very soon.

“Recovery is about living well.”
“A journey of personal growth and transformation.”
“People with psychiatric diagnosis get well and stay well.”
“Hope, control, opportunities.”

Tell us yours so that we can share them on this page. Click here to tell us – what does recovery mean to you?


“Finding fulfilment while staying well”.

“To me, recovery means to master one’s own mind and have self-control – to treat oneself and others with respect and to be free of self-doubt and derogatory self-judgement.”

Where can I find out more information about recovery?

Talk to others, especially peers who are on similar paths. We can all share our experiences and be creative together in finding personal wellness.

On the internet

Powys DIY Futures is a project that is founded on the principles of recovery and a person centred approach.

You can download a presentation about recovery prepared by the DIY Futures team here.

There is some information about recovery on the Powys County Council website here.

Here are some examples of other websites where you can explore and learn more about recovery, however if you would like some help finding out more please contact our information service:

Inter Voice is working across the world to spread positive and hopeful messages about the experience of hearing voices. If you hear voices, know someone who does or want to find out more about this experience then this site is for you.

Books on recovery

If you are a reader there are many books and articles about recovery. Here are some examples but again if you would like some help finding out more please contact our information service.

Recovery in Mental Health: Reshaping Scientific and Clinical Responsibilities by Michaela Amering, Margit Schmolke. Free online.
PCCS Books – Publisher of counselling and psychotherapy books and journals

If you have suggestions about other sources of information about recovery that you think we should share, get in touch by emailing mentalhealth@pavo.org.uk or call 01686 628 300.

Developing recovery colleges

You can find out more information here.
Peers as Partners: How England’s Recovery Learning Colleges Are Changing the Culture. More here.