LGBTQ+ Substance use & treatment experiences survey

The University of South Wales wants to find out more about the experiences of LGBTQ+ groups in relation to their alcohol and drug use. The survey also aims to find out about treatment experiences and whether there is an underrepresentation of LGBTQ+ groups within...

Ap GIG Cymru – eich barn / NHS Wales App – your views

Ap GIG Cymru – eich barn Mae Gwasanaethau Digidol ar gyfer Cleifion Cyhoedd, sy’n cael eu rhedeg gan Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru, wedi dechrau gweithio ar Ap GIG Cymru. Bydd yr Ap yn agor gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal i bobl yng Nghymru trwy eu ffonau...

National Bereavement Support Grant 2021 – 2024

The Welsh Government has developed a national framework for the delivery of bereavement care in Wales.  The national bereavement framework includes: core principles minimum standards a range of actions to support regional and local planning The...