Samaritans has launched a new confidential wellbeing support line for NHS and social care workers in Wales. The wellbeing support line is for anyone who works in health or social care and might be feeling worried, stressed or overwhelmed, or just needs to talk things through after a busy shift or long day at work. It’s more important than ever that we keep looking after ourselves, so we can continue to care for others.
All calls are answered by Samaritans volunteers, who are trained to listen without judgement and offer confidential emotional support. The support line will be open every day between 7am and 11pm, offering support in English. A Welsh language line will also be available every evening between 7pm and 11pm.
The line has been designed to help anyone working in the NHS or in social care in Wales to process their experiences during a time when they’re working under increased pressure and adapting to difficult circumstances. It’s focused on creating a safe space for them to share their feelings and talk about what they’re going through.
The English language support line for NHS and social care workers and volunteers is free to call, and is available every day, between 7am-11pm on 0800 484 0555
The Welsh language support line for NHS and social care workers and volunteers is free to call, and is available every evening, between 7pm-11pm on 0808 164 2777
The information relating to the Wales NHS and social care support line will be available via our website and through Our Frontline which is a combination of 1-2-1 support and online resources for frontline workers.