Oct 7, 2024

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board (RPB) was established under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 to enhance collaboration among local health boards, authorities, and third-sector organizations. Its aim is to deliver effective care and support to residents by conducting Population Needs Assessments and integrating services for various groups, including older adults and individuals with disabilities. The board focuses on joint commissioning, resource allocation, and promoting preventative services.

The RPB Conference invited Nationwide carers reps to connect in discussions set around a focus of integrated care systems.
Independent Carer Rep Nick Lancaster shares his experience of the event.

“The conference was an interesting day, learning what other RPBs across Wales are up to.  The creation of Hubs where multiple services can be accessed in one place happening across many areas in Wales are a fantastic way to provide a one stop in person way to help people.  What these show is that multiple agencies working together supports people more effectively, gaining access to services they need without duplication occurring.  These projects are already showing that services are efficient allowing more people to access a wider variety of service.

One of the workshops was on digital projects with Cardiff and Vale showing a project they are developing allowing data to be shared between healthcare and after care providers and while this is a challenge, both complying with data protection as well as various technical issues, the ability to share an individuals information is creating a better understand of what services they are accessing and where they are in the process, allowing professionals to help clients more effectively.  This is the sort of project that would be valuable in Powys and Wales wide for allowing care, health and other providers can then effectively access data to provide people with joined up and timely services together.

What was clear is the while Powys faces issues like low population density and transport in ways that other RBPs do not, that sharing ideas and solutions with others gives us the opportunity to take these ideas and adapt them to our needs and others were doing the same with our solutions.”

For more information on the RPB, you can visit their About Us page.