– Hysbyseb cyhoeddus –
Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn awyddus i glywed am eich profiadau chi o ran cael cyfarfodydd yn ymwneud â lles gyda’ch Cyngor Sir lleol. Yn benodol, y gwahoddiad a defnydd o’r Gymraeg mewn cyfarfodydd gwasanaethau addysg, gofal cymdeithasol, tai neu gynllunio. Er mwyn cael darlun cenedlaethol o’r sefyllfa ac i wella’r gwasanaeth Cymraeg, cysylltwch â ni. Wedyn mi drefnwn gyfweliad ffôn neu ar-lein hefo chi.
Cynhelir yr arolwg hwn gan Ymgynghoriaeth DBR ar ran Comisiynydd y Gymraeg. Am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â Dylan Bryn Roberts. Dylanbryn@yahoo.co.uk 07989 393 445
– Public Notice –
The Welsh Language Commissioner would like to hear about your experiences of having meetings dealing with well-being with your local County Council. Specifically, the invitation to and use of Welsh in meetings about education, social care, housing or planning services. To get a national picture of the situation and to improve Welsh medium provision please get in touch. Then we will arrange a telephone or on-line interview with you.
This survey is conducted by Ymgynghoriaeth DBR Consultancy on behalf of the Welsh Language Commissioner. For more information, please contact Dylan Bryn Roberts. Dylanbryn@yahoo.co.uk 07989 393 445