Grŵp Cynghrair Diwylliant, Amrywiaeth a Chydraddoldeb Cymru
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Mae Cynghrair Diwylliant Cymru yn grŵp gwirfoddol o bobl o sector y celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru ac fe’i sefydlwyd er mwyn hybu anghenion y sectorau hynny yng ngoleuni sefyllfa Covid-19. Mae’r Is-grŵp Amrywiaeth a Chydraddoldeb yn gweithio i hybu materion sy’n ymwneud ag amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb oddi fewn i’r Gynghrair fel y gall y problemau hyn gael eu cynrychioli’n llawn wrth i’r Gynghrair weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a chyrff eraill sy’n cefnogi’r celfyddydau yng Nghymru.
Mae Cynghrair Diwylliant Cymru (CDC) yn cynnwys gwahanol weithgorau sy’n delio â nifer o wahanol faterion sy’n berthnasol i’r sector celfyddydol a diwylliannol yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys Amrywiaeth a Chydraddoldeb, y Gymraeg, Hinsawdd a Diwylliant, Addysg a Chyfranogiad, Cydweithio, yr Economi, yn ogystal â’r Grŵp Ymateb Ystwyth a’r Grŵp Llywio.
Hoffem wahodd mwy o bobl o gymunedau amrywiol Cymru sy’n ymddiddori yn y maes celfyddydol yng Nghymru ac sy’n wybodus amdano, i ymuno a’r Gynghrair a bod yn rhan o unrhyw un o’r grwpiau hyn.
Gallwch chi ymuno â rhestr bostio’r Gynghrair yma
Mwy o wybodaeth yma
Wales Culture Alliance Diversity and Equality Group
The Wales Culture Alliance is a voluntary group of people from the arts and culture sector in Wales which was set up to promote the needs of the arts and culture sector with regards to the Covid-19 situation. The Diversity and Equality sub-group is working to promote diversity and equality issues within the Alliance, so that these issues can be fully represented as the Alliance works with Welsh Government, the Arts Council of Wales and other bodies supporting the arts in Wales.
The WCA is made up of different working groups which deal with a number of different issues relevant to the arts and culture sector in Wales, including Diversity & Equality, Welsh Language, Climate & Culture, Education & Participation, Collaboration, Economy, as well as an Agile Response Group and a Steering Group.
We would like more people from across all the diverse communities of Wales who have an interest in and knowledge of the arts to join the Alliance and be part of any of these groups.
You can sign up to the Alliance mailing list here
More information here