Ymddiheurwn nad yw rhai tudalennau o’r wefan Gymraeg wedi eu cwblhau eto. Mae’r rhain yn cael eu hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd a byddant yn fyw yn fuan iawn.
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Children & Young People support

Are you going through a tricky time at the moment, feeling a bit overwhelmed and wondering what to do? Would you like someone to help you, to guide you through this difficult time in your life, someone who will listen, not judge, and help you decide what steps to take next?

There are lots of organisations out there that can help you in Mid Wales.

Action for Children – children’s charity

Action for Children protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. They ensure children and young people’s voices are heard, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.

Tel: 0300 123 2112, 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri

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Adferiad – Powys young persons’ substance misuse

Powys Young Persons’ Substance Misuse Service (YPSMS) is part of a range of services offered to adults and young people in Powys with substances misuse issues. In Powys, Adferiad works in partnership with Kaleidoscope, an established substance misuse service, to deliver these services and operate the YPSMS.

Tel: 0300 777 2258

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Adferiad – Young Person’s Therapeutic and Positive Attachment Service

The Powys Young Person’s Therapeutic and Positive Attachment Service provides essential support to young people accross the county of Powys. We provide therapeutic and trauma-informed support to young people and families who are experiencing difficulties with adverse childhood experiences and trauma.

Tel: 01982 448 090

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Area 43 – mental health support for children & young people

Face to face and online counselling services. Free, safe and anonymous support for children and young people.

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Beat Cymru – eating disorders charity

The charity provides a variety of support services in Wales to young people with eating disorders and their families.

Tel: 0808 801 0433
Email: Waleshelp@beateatingdisorders.org.uk

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Brecon & District Mind – mental health charity South Powys

This mental health charity works with schools to support children and young people.

Tel: 01874 611529
Email: Info@breconmind.org.uk

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Childline – helpline for children & young people

Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything – for children and young people up to their 19th birthday. Childline are here for you online, on the phone, anytime.

Tel: 0800 1111

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Frank – support around drugs

Talk to Frank. Honest information about drugs.

Tel: 0300 1236600

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Meic – helpline for children & young people

Need information? Want advice? Wish you had support? Meic is the helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales.

Tel: 080880 23456

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Mid & North Powys Mind – mental health charity

This mental health charity offers a Youth Group and other services to support children & young people.

Tel: 01597 824411
Email: admin@mnpmind.org.uk

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Papyrus – prevention of young suicide

Papyrus, Prevention of Young Suicide, is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. Papyrus believes that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.

Tel: 0800 068 4141, 9am - midnight every day of the year

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Ponthafren – mental health charity North Powys

This mental health charity has projects supporting children and young people.

Tel: 01686 621586
Email: admin@ponthafren.org.uk

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Rekindle – North Powys – children & young people’s charity

Getting young people talking about mental health. Rekindle’s vision is the full recovery of mental health through early intervention, by listening, by talking and by action. Rekindle’s services are available in Montgomeryshire (North Powys).

Tel: 01686 722222

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Samaritans – listening helpline

Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Support for anyone experiencing emotional distress.

Tel: 116 123 - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

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Stonewall Young Futures – LGBTQ+ support

This is a hub for all young lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people thinking about their next steps.

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The Windfall Centre – therapies for children & young people

A charity supporting the emotional and mental health of children and families in Powys – offering counselling and play therapies amongst others.

Tel: 01597 829346
Email: admin@windfallcentre.co.uk

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Young Minds – mental health charity for children & young people

Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who’s struggling, Young Minds can help.

Tel: Text YM to 85258 for free, 24/7 support.

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Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS

This is a service provided to help children and young people who are really struggling with their mental health by Powys Teaching Health Board (the NHS). 

Powys CAMHS offers assessment and treatment for children and young people, up until their 18th birthday, who have, or are thought to have, mental health problems or emotional health difficulties.

Children and young people have to be referred to this service by one of the following:

  • Teachers
  • Education Welfare Officers
  • Youth Workers
  • Adult Community Mental Health Teams
  • Voluntary Organisations.
  • Advocacy Services
  • Paediatric Therapists

There is also a team called the Powys CAMHS Schools-In Reach team which works in schools to support children and young people. You can read more about this here.

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services – North Powys

Address: North Powys CAMHS
Ynys Y Plant
Plantation Lane
Powys SY16 1LQ
Tel: 01686 617450

Visit Website

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services – South Powys

Address: South Powys CAMHS Brecon Hospital
Cerrigochion Rd
Powys LD3 7NS
Tel: 01874 615662

Visit Website

SilverCloud online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Free online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – for people aged 16 + experiencing mild to moderate anxiety, depression or stress.

In October 2022, SilverCloud launched five self-referral programmes to help children, young people, their parents and carers. Our two programmes for parents and carers aim to help them support children and teens in managing anxiety. Our three programmes for young people can help teens aged 16-18 understand and manage anxiety and low mood.

Parents, carers and teens aged 16-18 can sign up for these programmes online, without needing to be referred by a GP or healthcare professional.

  • Supporting an Anxious Child – for parents and carers of children aged 4-11
  • Supporting an Anxious Teen – for parents and carers of young people aged 12-18
  • Space From Anxiety – for young people aged 16-18
  • Space From Low Mood – for young people aged 16-18
  • Space From Anxiety and Low Mood – for young people aged 16-18

You can read more about the SilverCloud programmes for children, young people, their parents and carers – HERE.

Advocacy for children and young people

An advocate will listen and support a child or young person (up to age 25) who is in care, a care leaver, on the Child Protection Register, in need of care and support, or making a complaint about NHS services.

Advocacy can help you to:

  • get your voice heard
  • know and understand your rights
  • take part in meetings and reviews
  • sort things out with your social worker or carer
  • make a complaint.

TGP Cymru – formal advocacy support in Mid Wales

If you need advocacy help in Mid Wales you can get in touch with an organisation called Tros Gynnal Plant – TGP Cymru. 

Email:  midandwestwales@tgpcymru.org.uk
Freephone number:  0808 168 2599

If you do not fit the criteria for formal advocacy, why not chat to a parent / guardian / teacher or youth worker? Or you can contact MEIC – the helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales.

Videos for children & young people

Papyrus - preventing young suicide
Young Minds - are you being bullied?
Meic - drugs, addiction and getting help
Childline - are you feeling lonely?
The Mix - tips to help improve your mood