Individual Carer Rep Vacancy on Mental Health Regional Planning & Development Partnership
The Powys Mental Health Planning and Development Partnership is recruiting for a new Mental Health Carer Representative to help shape Mental Health services in Powys at a strategic level. The partnership is responsible for overseeing how the Welsh Government’s...
LGBTQ+ Substance use & treatment experiences survey
The University of South Wales wants to find out more about the experiences of LGBTQ+ groups in relation to their alcohol and drug use. The survey also aims to find out about treatment experiences and whether there is an underrepresentation of LGBTQ+ groups within...
Hysbysiad cyhoeddus Arolwg Llesiant – Well-Being survey Public notice
- Hysbyseb cyhoeddus - Mae Comisiynydd y Gymraeg yn awyddus i glywed am eich profiadau chi o ran cael cyfarfodydd yn ymwneud â lles gyda’ch Cyngor Sir lleol. Yn benodol, y gwahoddiad a defnydd o’r Gymraeg mewn cyfarfodydd...
Ymgynghoriad: cynllun gweithlu iechyd meddwl ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol / Consultation on the mental health workforce plan for health and social care
Anfonwyd ar ran Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru/ Sent on behalf of Health Education & Improvement Wales Social Care Wales Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn ymgynghori ar y camau gweithredu allweddol a fydd yn ffurfio sylfeini'r cynllun...
‘Triple barrier’ of mental health inequality: Senedd Health Committee launches inquiry / ‘Rhwystr triphlyg’ anghydraddoldeb iechyd meddwl: Pwyllgor Iechyd y Senedd yn lansio ymchwiliad
Yesterday the Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee launched a new inquiry, focusing on mental health inequalities across different groups in society. The inquiry will concentrate on the experiences of people who are disproportionately affected by...
Ap GIG Cymru – eich barn / NHS Wales App – your views
Ap GIG Cymru - eich barn Mae Gwasanaethau Digidol ar gyfer Cleifion Cyhoedd, sy’n cael eu rhedeg gan Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru, wedi dechrau gweithio ar Ap GIG Cymru. Bydd yr Ap yn agor gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal i bobl yng Nghymru trwy eu ffonau...
Becoming Dad – a guide to support new Dads from the Mental Health Foundation
The Dads and Football project report by the Mental Health Foundation, released on Friday 19 November to mark International Men’s Day, finds very little support available for new Dads as they face the challenges that entering fatherhood brings. Dads and...
National Bereavement Support Grant 2021 – 2024
The Welsh Government has developed a national framework for the delivery of bereavement care in Wales. The national bereavement framework includes: core principles minimum standards a range of actions to support regional and local planning The...
Wales Mental Health & Wellbeing Forum – Formal Consultation – Guidance on Best Practice in Service User and Carer Engagement
The Wales Mental Health & Wellbeing Forum have been commissioned by Welsh Government to develop National Guidance and lay out recommendations for best practice in co-production. We are pleased to confirm that the Guidance document is now open for formal...
Adolygiad o Asesiadau Rhan I o dan Fesur Iechyd Meddwl (Cymru) 2010 | Review of Part 1 – Mental Health Act Measure (2010)
Mae AaGIC a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn cynnal ymarfer ymgysylltu ynghylch a ddylid cychwyn newid Rheoliadau Mesur Iechyd Meddwl Cymru (2010). Bydd yr arolwg yn rhedeg am bedair wythnos o ddydd Gwener 15 Hydref i ddydd Gwener 12 Tachwedd 2021. Amgaeir gopi...
World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2021
Mental Health in an Unequal World The WFMH President Dr Ingrid Daniels has announced the theme for World Mental Health Day 2021 which is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’. This theme was chosen by a global vote including WFMH...
Cynghrair Diwylliant Cymru | Wales Culture Alliance
Grŵp Cynghrair Diwylliant, Amrywiaeth a Chydraddoldeb Cymru Scroll down for English Mae Cynghrair Diwylliant Cymru yn grŵp gwirfoddol o bobl o sector y celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru ac fe’i sefydlwyd er mwyn hybu anghenion y...