Starts 17th April for 8 weeks Booking essential Contact: Mid & North Powys Mind on: Tel: 01597 824411 Email:
New weekly Mums Matter course starts Venue: Subud Centre, Brecon Time: 12.45 – 2.45pm About Mums Matter The course runs...
New weekly Mums Matter course starts Venue: Subud Centre, Brecon Time: 12.45 – 2.45pm About Mums Matter The Brecon Mind...
7 weeks - starts Tuesday 9th May Location: Knighton Leisure Centre Booking essential Contact: Mid & North Powys Mind on:...
Starts 2nd May runs for 6 weeks Booking essential Contact: Mid & North Powys Mind on: Tel: 01597 824411 Email:...
A professional all-day show in Cardiff City Hall, 11th May 2023, aiming to promote positive mental health through open conversation,...
Time: 5.30 - 7.30pm Day: Thursdays An online body positivity course from Mid and North Powys Mind on Zoom with...
7 weeks - starts Friday 12th May Location: Welshpool Integrated Family Centre Booking essential Contact: Mid & North Powys Mind...