Dementia virtual training

Full day covers Defining dementia and epidemiology including risk factors Types of dementia; causes, prevalence, signs, symptoms, prognosis, support Alzheimers...

End of life virtual training

Time: 12 noon - 1.30pmEnd of life care is care for people where death is predictable and anticipated, typically in the...

Palliative care virtual training

Time: 9.30am - 11amPalliative care is care for people who have a condition which is not responsive to curative treatment,...

Bereavement & Loss – virtual training

Bereavement & Loss training provided by Social Care Consultants.Course covers:  Defining; loss, grief and bereavement Models of grief Phase models Dual...

Mental Health Awareness – online training

Mental Health Awareness training provided by Social Care Consultants.Course covers:  Defining mental health   Depression Anxiety Phobias Panic attacks Bi Polar  Schizophrenia...