Mental Capacity Act Awareness training
There are places available on the Mental Capacity Act Awareness training which has been put on through regional Welsh Government funding provided by...
There are places available on the Mental Capacity Act Awareness training which has been put on through regional Welsh Government funding provided by...
Time: 9.30am - 4pmAim Identify drug types and categories Identify how and why young people use substances. Look at risks...
There are places available on the ‘AS webinar – Mental Capacity Act Social Care’ provided by Bond Solon.Please book your...
There are places available on the ‘Webinar – Self Injury, Harm & Suicide Awareness’ training as follows which is provided...
A free Mid & North Powys Mind training course.Confidence Building sessions with Lizzie & Tracy on Zoom.Day: Tuesdays for 2 weeksTime:...
There are places available on the Mental Capacity Act in Practice which has been put on through regional Welsh Government funding provided by...
Course aimThis one day course (9.30am-16.00pm) has been designed to provide social care professionals with the underpinning knowledge to understand...
Time: 10am to 4pmOn completion of the Mental Health awareness training participants will have an understanding of:- General overview about...
There are places available on the ‘AS webinar – Mental Capacity Act Social Care’ provided by Bond Solon.Please book your...
This training will be blended learning which gives participants two weeks to complete the eLearning modules and attend the 2...
The King’s Fund is organising a four-day conference, to explore, in-depth, how health care and housing are coming closer together...
For more information and to book, please click here