Target audience: people who are Dementia Care Mappers and also team leads and people who deliver care within your regional area.
Aim: Explores the application of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) through stories. The event will be run in partnership with Bangor University, providing an opportunity to explore the connection with learning and development opportunities for staff and using DCM to evidence impact. This will link The Model of Improvement as the framework to underpin change.
To book a place please contact Heather Wenban, Dementia Lead – Heather.wenban(at)
Y Gynulleidfa Darged: pobl sy’n Mapiau Gofal Dementia a hefyd arweinwyr tîm a phobl sy’n darparu gofal yn eich ardal ranbarthol.
Nod: Yn archwilio cymhwysiad Mapio Gofal Dementia (DCM) trwy straeon. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Bangor, gan roi cyfle i archwilio’r cysylltiad â chyfleoedd dysgu a datblygu i staff a defnyddio DCM i ddangos effaith. Bydd hyn yn cysylltu’r Model Gwella fel y fframwaith i danategu newid.
I archebu lle, cysylltwch Heather Wenban, Arweinydd Dementia – Heather.wenban(at)