Challenging Behaviour in Dementia Care training provided by Cartrefi Cymru as follows;-
Please book your places via Trent self-service (internal PCC employees only) or email or telephone 01597 827333
- Our course aims to enable participants to explore in greater depth the nature and effects of dementia upon individuals. It will identify the principles behind person centred care, and will help participants to identify ways in which they can apply person centred care in the work place.
- To identify and recognise the range of signs and symptoms of dementia
- To identify the essential components of person centred care, and develop greater confidence and competence in delivering person centred care to clients with dementia
Key Learning Outcomes
- To consider various techniques for communicating successfully with people with dementia, including strategies for responding appropriately to delusions and hallucinations
- To identify some of the challenging behaviours displayed by clients with dementia, and discuss effective solutions
- To examine some of the reasons why clients with dementia may become malnourished, and examine various strategies to help improve their nutritional status
Training Administrator, Training Unit Social Care, Powys County Council, 3rd Floor, The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AA
Tel: 01597 827333