Ymddiheurwn nad yw rhai tudalennau o’r wefan Gymraeg wedi eu cwblhau eto. Mae’r rhain yn cael eu hadeiladu ar hyn o bryd a byddant yn fyw yn fuan iawn.
We apologise that some pages of the Welsh site are not yet complete. These are currently under construction and will be live very soon.

Here you’ll find all the information you need to access the full range of Mental Health Services in Powys.

infoengine search

Use the infoengine search facility to find local mental health services in Powys.

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Talk to someone

You’ll find a list of helplines here, so you can talk about mental health over the phone.

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NHS Services

Browse our list of NHS Services and support to find what you need.

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NHS Mental Health Services planning

Read more information on how NHS mental health services are planned in Powys.

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Local Mental Health Charities

A number of charities across Powys are also focused on mental health, find out who and where they are.

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Other wellbeing services

Find access to community connections, counselling support and workplace support here.

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Powys Networks

There are also further networks in Powys, which might be able to assist.

Browse networks

Mental Health Infoline

Need more information? Contact the mental health Infoline

01597 822 191 option 4

There are different views about what poor mental health is, its causes and what may be done to help those experiencing mental distress.

Our aim is to provide a range of information around mental health wellbeing and distress, from the various perspectives, so visitors to this site can make their own well-informed decisions.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact the Powys Mental Health Information Service on 01597 822 191 option 4, or email mentalhealth@pavo.org.uk we’re here to help!